
Algeria tender, Algeria tendres, Appel d offre, Avis d appel d offre
الأسئلة المتداولة


How do I find my password?

Click on the link “Forgot your password?”
Fill in the email address you used to register on
You will receive by e-mail a link allowing you to connect to your account and change your password.

How to change my password ?

In the “My Account” section, click on the “Edit” button
Enter your new password (between 4 and 20 characters) and avoid special characters!
Enter the password a second time Click on the “Save” button.


How do I get my invoice?

By Email: Invoices are sent to you by email 24 hours after processing the purchase order and receipt of funds.
By Courier: Invoices are sent to you by Courier 3 - 7 Days after processing the purchase order and receipt of funds.

Call for tenders

A call for tenders is a procedure that allows a sponsor (the contracting authority), to choose the company (the tenderer who will be the supplier) best able to carry out a service of works, supplies or services. The goal is to put several companies in competition to provide a product or service. (source wikipedia)


It is the Official Bulletin of the Public Operator Markets - BOMOP Created in 1984 by decree n ° 84-116 of May 12, 1984 Official Journal N ° 20 of May 15, 1984). and published by ANEP (National Company for Communication, Publishing and Advertising)

It is a weekly bulletin published in Arabic and French, the BOMOP and collection of notices of calls for national and international competition, notices of pre-selection, notices of adjudication, competitions, notices of extension of time, formal notices, terminations, wage indices and materials for public works and building, studies and texts of a legal and regulatory nature.


Bulletin of Calls for Tenders for the Energy and Mining Sector.